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Will divorce affect your child's academic progress?

 Posted on August 22,2019 in Divorce

One of the biggest worries a lot of parents have when they divorce is how it's going to affect their child's ability to function in school. It's a natural concern. You know that academic success can be the basis for a future that's prosperous and happy. Failure in school can easily cut off avenues for success in life that can't be reopened.

Studies confirm that students can be negatively impacted at school by their parents' divorce — especially if it isn't the first divorce they've gone through. However, the real damage actually starts well before the divorce.

According to one study, the psychological effects of parental divorce are visible in children up to three years prior to the actual divorce, they get worse as the divorce approaches and then recede after the divorce.

Unfortunately, test scores tend to follow a downward pattern early and continue that way — even after the child psychologically recovers from the divorce.

So what can be done to counter this? According to Mayo Clinic, you should:

  • Try to avoid involving the kids in the conflict.
  • Get professional help if you see that your child is overwhelmed.
  • Be honest and talk with your child often about changes that are happening.

In addition, it may be wise to hire a tutor if your child is struggling so that they don't fall behind. You could even consider holding a child back a year so that they have a stronger academic foundation moving forward.

If you're starting to think about divorce, it may be time to get some legal advice. This can help the process go more smoothly for everyone in the family.

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