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Why a DIY divorce is a big mistake

 Posted on January 12, 2020 in Divorce

Americans typically have a Do-It-Yourself (DIY) mentality — whatever the project, they're willing to use online resources and a little ingenuity to tackle the job. Unfortunately, taking that attitude toward even a simple divorce can tangle you up in unexpected problems.

Here's why DIY divorces that don't involve an attorney can become problematic:

1. You can destroy your amicable relationship

You and your spouse have stayed amicable (or you wouldn't be thinking about a DIY divorce) — but those feelings can quickly sour when you hit your first bump in the road. Having to negotiate directly with the other party can trigger all sorts of unpleasant feelings, and it doesn't take much for a real fight to start. When you have your attorneys as a buffer, it's often easier to get a rational response.

2. You can forget about some important questions

You may think that you have a handle on the division of assets, but what happens when tax time comes and you realize that you owe a big — and unexpected — bill? You can figure out the basic child support that should be paid but still forget to negotiate important details like who will pay medical co-pays or cover the cost of school trips and other extra-curricular events.

3. You may cost yourself unexpected time or distress]

Even couples who have an uncontested divorce have to go through certain steps to keep the process legal. A mistake in your forms can send you back to the starting line. Forgetting to file the right form and you could find yourself still legally wed years later.

Don't make a big mistake with your divorce. Find out how an attorney can help by calling our office today.

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