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What can you do if you don't want your spouse to get custody?

 Posted on September 13, 2018 in Family Law

As someone going through a divorce, your first concern is your children. You and your spouse had a volatile relationship. You aren't sure that they are a safe parent or that they should have custody of your children.

You want to make sure that a judge has all the information about your case before a custody hearing is made. Your spouse has refused to negotiate with you to come up with a parenting plan. They allege that they have the right to primary custody. You can't stand the thought of that happening.

What can you do to show your concerns about the other parent?

You should keep documentation that supports your claim. For example, if the other parent sends you violent text messages, you need to keep those and forward them to your attorney. You should also keep any voicemails, emails, letters or other forms of communication that show the kind of person the other parent is. If you are alleging that the other parent is manipulative or trying to blackmail you, then it is a good idea to have several documents showing the parent's behaviors.

There is no question that some parents show a different side to the court than they do in real life. It is the job of your attorney to help you negotiate a fair parenting plan and to keep your children safe. As a parent who is alleging violence or manipulation in your relationship, you need to be very cautious about how you accuse the other person. You will need to present yourself as a balanced individual with your child's best interest at heart.

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