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Myths about divorce might lead to poor decision-making

 Posted on May 26, 2016 in High Asset Divorce

Sometimes divorce is inevitable if two married individuals have irreconcilable differences. Unfortunately, it can also be a stressful period for individuals in Illinois. Myths about the divorce process may cause individuals to make choices that might ultimately hurt them.

One of the top myths is that visitation may be denied if one's ex-spouse does not make child support payments. A process does exist to enforce obligations related to child support; however, threatening an ex or denying him or her visitation with his or her child is not considered one of them. Access to parenting time and the children has no link to child support.

Another common divorce-related myth is that committing adultery will cause a person to lose everything in a divorce. Cheating understandably may lead to divorce, but being unfaithful does not mean one will lose one's children, assets, home and rights. However, committing adultery and then wasting martial assets may be a factor in equitable distribution issues during the divorce process.

If two people are going through the process of divorce, it may be helpful to complete divorce negotiation or medication with proper legal guidance. This may enable the two people reach a settlement that pleases them both with regard to matters such as property division. Regarding child support, courts usually stick to established guidelines in the state of Illinois for how much money noncustodial parents are to pay for their children. However, a deviation might be needed if two divorcing parents have joint physical custody of the children.

Source: The Huffington Post, "12 Top Divorce Myths", Daniel Clement, May 24, 2016

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