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My ex is interfering with visitation plans. What do I do?

 Posted on February 27,2023 in Child Custody

Every fit parent has the right to spend time with their child regardless of the living arrangements or the nature of the relationship with their co-parent. Unfortunately, however, it is not uncommon for a parent to interfere with a court-approved custody and visitation plan.

If your co-parent is stopping you from seeing your child, you need to take specific steps to exercise your rights. Here is what you need to know if your co-parent is interfering with the custody order.

Court orders are binding

Your co-parent might have their own reasons for attempting to interfere with an existing custody order. Perhaps, you are not returning the child in time or they do not approve of your current love life. However, they simply cannot take the law into their own hands. Once a judge approves and signs the custody order, both parties must abide by it if and until it has been formally modified. Any attempt to sabotage it amounts to a violation. And the consequences of a violation can be far-reaching, regardless of a parent’s motivation.

If your co-parent is infringing on your rights to see the child, you can seek enforcement of the order. Depending on the nature of the violation, it may be wise not to seek judicial interference immediately, though.

Talk to your ex

If the violation was relatively minor, you may remedy the situation by seeking an audience with your co-parent. Perhaps, their new job is conflicting with visitation times. In this case, you might reschedule the visitation to a day that works for everyone. Once you reach a consensus, however, be sure to seek a formal modification in court.

You can seek enforcement for a violated custody order

Consistent or egregious violations of a custody order are against the law. If your co-parent is not relenting in their determination to bar you from seeing your child, you need to go back to court. Again, do not take the law into your own hands by say, refusing to return the child or withholding child support.

Not being able to spend time with your child can not only impact your life but your child’s overall well-being as well. Find out how you can safeguard your rights if your ex is sabotaging your ability to see your child.

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