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Kordell Stewart awarded primary physical child custody of son

 Posted on April 11,2014 in Fathers' Rights

Lengthy child custody battles likely wear on the patience of parents. These custody battles might be due to a father trying to exert his legal rights to be involved in his child's life. For former National Football League star Kordell Stewart, breathing easy is likely possible now that the child custody battle that has been dragging on since 2011 is finally over. Illinois residents who are football fans might like to hear about how the case turned out.

The 9-year-old boy's mother was trying to relocate to a different state for a new job opportunity. That prompted the retired NFL player to exercise his father's rights and seek full custody of the boy. The mother objected to the request claiming that Stewart didn't spend a lot of time with his son. She claims he never even took the child on vacation.

The new custody agreement gives the mother the right to communicate with their son at any reasonable time via a phone at his father's home. It gives Stewart primary physical custody as part of the joint child custody agreement. No child support is ordered for either parent. Stewart gets the final say for any decision that the two parents can't agree upon.

This case shows that in some cases, a father's rights do trump mother's wishes if the father's rights are in the best interests of the child. Any man who is fighting for his rights regarding his children should endeavor to learn about the options he has available to secure those rights. Illinois family law attorneys can provide more information to those seeking custody of their children.

Source: Madame Noire, "Kordell Steward Awarded Primary Physical Custody of Son in Child Custody Battle" Jazmine Denise Rogers, Apr. 08, 2014

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