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Is it possible to co-parent peacefully during the school year?

 Posted on September 22, 2017 in Child Support

Now that the kids are back in school, you may find yourself wondering how you and your soon-to-be ex-spouse can create a co-parenting plan that works for everyone. With all the changes and confusion that your separation is creating, you may be struggling with the concept of co-parenting. While you are working on making the proper arrangements, your kids must deal with the stress and uncertainty that your divorce and school brings.

Many parents get divorced in the Wheaton area. Some of them embrace the opportunity to work together and raise their kids. Others may approach their situations cautiously and less amicably. Put aside your feelings and stay positive. Before making any arrangements, consider the following suggestions for a peaceful co-parenting plan.

Meet the teachers

Children thrive best in school and at home when both of their parents are actively involved in their lives. Take time from your schedule to meet your kids’ teachers and school administrators. Familiarize yourself with their classrooms and schedules. The more you know about your children’s daily school routines, the easier it will be for you and their other parent to coordinate their care, school activities and your schedules.

Take advantage of all communication options

There are times where teachers and school staff may need to contact their students' parents. If they cannot get ahold of one, they will try the other. Inform all your kids’ teachers to contact both parents. You should provide them with several ways to get ahold of you, such as by email, cellphone and regular mail. That way, when something happens in school involving your children, you can remain in the loop.

Attend parent-teacher conferences together

Anytime there is a parent-teacher conference or school function that requires your attendance and involves your kids, try to attend those events with your kids’ other parent. It is important for you to show your children that you and your ex-partner are completely committed to working together and being there for them, regardless of the new family structure, states

Taking your kids’ school schedules into consideration when creating your co-parenting agreement may seem like a lot of work. But it is necessary to make the divorce process and transition easier on your children and minimize their effects on your kids' school lives and performance.

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