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Illinois' child support formula to soon change

 Posted on March 22, 2017 in Child Support

When a parent is getting divorced, many different legal issues can have big impacts on them and their children. This includes issues regarding child support. One thing that can play a very big role in what happens when it comes to child support in an Illinois divorce is the formula for calculating child support in the state.

This formula is about to undergo some major changes. The changes were approved last year and will take effect at the start of this July.

Currently, the state's child support formula involves hard percentages. Under the changes, this will be scrapped in favor of a new calculation method. This new method will factor in things such as the incomes of both parents and the parenting time distribution among the parents. These changes could have a range of impacts on what child support matters end up looking like here in Illinois.

There can be growing pains associated with any change in family law. Among the concerns that have come up regarding the upcoming child support formula changes are concerns that they could create some complicated situations when it comes to child support matters in the state. One wonders how the transition to the new formula will end up going.

Changes in family law are one of many things that can raise complicated situations in a divorce. How a divorcing individual responds to such situations can have considerable implications. So, when dealing with any sort of complicated matter when it comes to child support or other key divorce issues, divorcing individuals in the state may want to promptly seek out guidance on the matter from an experienced Illinois divorce lawyer.

Source: WSIL, "New child support law to take effect in Illinois," March 7, 2017

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