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Has divorce negatively affected your child’s academics?

 Posted on June 20, 2022 in Child Custody

Divorce can be tough on all family members. Often, both spouses will have invested much effort into reconciling their differences, to no avail. Divorce may be the best option for them, but that doesn’t make it easy.

Children can find it even more difficult than adults to cope with the stress of a divorce. They blame themselves or question whether or not their parents truly love them. All of this can have a knock-on effect on their school work.

How can you tell if your child is struggling at school?

Poorer grades than usual

Your child has breezed through school so far, obtaining the highest possible grades. In the months after the divorce, you notice that their school reports show lower grades than the previous year.

While this may not be directly linked to divorce, it is a possibility. You, your co-parent and the teaching staff should be able to come up with a plan to help your child get back on track.

Disorderly behavior

Divorce can make your children angry at the world. They may question their future and the meaning of life. When their parents separate, it can feel like their world has been turned upside down. This can manifest itself in psychological conditions like depression and anxiety, but it can also impact their external behavior.

If your child keeps getting into fights at school or is missing from class, it could be an indication that the divorce has hurt them deeply. Again, by taking proactive measures, you, your co-parent and the teaching staff should be able to monitor the behavior more closely and come up with proactive solutions.

Divorce can be tough on the kids but with a sound parenting agreement and efficient co-parenting relationship, they can still thrive. If you’re having difficulties with your current custody order, it may be in your best interests to seek some legal guidance.

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