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Do people get married again after getting divorced?

 Posted on October 23, 2020 in Divorce

You often hear about people getting remarried after getting divorced, but it typically means marrying someone new. That first relationship is over. A few years down the line, they meet someone else, fall in love and try to give marriage a second shot.

But what if you want to marry the same person for a second time? Is that possible, or does the divorce legally cut off your relationship forever?

While this isn’t a common practice, it is certainly not illegal. You can get divorced, decide it was a mistake and get married again.

One reason that people do this is when they have children together. The marriage may have gone through a rough patch, but even a divorce doesn’t end their actual relationship since they’re both still parents to those children. They see each other often and have to work together to raise the kids. After a few years, they may realize that they wish they’d just stayed married.

It’s wise to remember, however, that second marriages tend to lead to divorce more often. Granted, these statistics often refer to second marriages to new people, not to the same people, but the risk is higher. If you get divorced and then married again, are you really just increasing the odds that you’ll turn around a go through a second divorce?

Life is complicated. Relationships take unexpected turns. No matter where you are in life, just make sure you know what legal options you have. Carefully considering these options is wise in any relationship, as it begins or as it ends.

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