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Common mistakes can be costly during divorce in Illinois

 Posted on April 28, 2016 in High Asset Divorce

Whether in Illinois or another state, the divorce process can feel like a roller coaster — not just emotionally but also financially. Unfortunately, failure to anticipate the twists and turns and to prepare for them accordingly may be costly. A couple of tips may help people to protect themselves during a divorce.

First, for a person who has children, a temporary custody order may help to create stability during this intense time for the family. Likewise, temporary child support payments may help to make sure that the children's basic needs are being met, such as day care costs, housing, clothing and food. Temporary alimony may also provide the spouse who earns less with money needed to cover his or her living expenses.

In addition, a mistake that is often made during divorce is to delay getting in touch with an attorney. Once a person files for divorce, essential decisions, possible court dates and deadlines quickly become focal points. This is why being as informed as possible is so paramount.

An Illinois divorce can be an overwhelming process to navigate. Thus, before embarking on the divorce journey, a person may benefit from exploring all of his or her legal options and creating a strategy for the path ahead. A solid understanding of the law, along with the guidance of a family law attorney, may ultimately save money, time and stress, leading to a settlement that is error free and sets the parties up person up for many years of new growth and future prosperity.

Source: The Huffington Post, "Filing For Divorce In Spring? Avoid These 6 Perilous Mistakes!", Bari Zell Weinberger, April 25, 2016

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