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Child custody a major area of concern during divorce

 Posted on January 01, 2016 in Child Custody

The divorce process in Illinois can be liberating for a person who has felt stuck in an unfulfilling marriage, but it can also be emotionally challenging. This is particularly true when the divorce involves child custody, which can be tough to cope with not only for the parents but also for the children. A few tips may help the divorce process to go as smoothly as possible for children in Illinois.

First, it is wise to try to avoid a situation where the children end up having to go to a new school due to the divorce. This is because when a child has to go to a different school, he or she loses his or her support group and friends, which can make the divorce even more difficult. Introducing the least amount of change to a child following divorce gives the child more stability.

It is also wise to avoid using children as trophies or pawns in an effort to hurt the other party because this often ends up hurting the child. This usually occurs when a child decides to move away from his or her brothers and sisters to stay with the other party, where he or she is showered with gifts that his or her siblings do not get. This can pit the kids against each other, leading to a persistent emotional battle.

If two parents dealing with matters such as child custody are willing to mediate their divorce, this can be a wise move to make to avoid the potential stress of litigation. Through mediation, two people in Illinois can work out a parenting plan that takes into consideration the needs of all of the children as well as the parents. Appropriate legal guidance may help two divorcing people produce a plan that will satisfy both parents while placing the best interests of their children first.

Source:, "11 Ways to Help Your Child With Your Divorce -", Margaret Rutherford, Dec. 29, 2015

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