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Celebrating your child’s birthday after divorce

 Posted on May 18, 2022 in Child Custody

Your child looks forward to their birthday every year. Usually, the whole family gathers to celebrate and shower them with presents and lots of love. This year, however, things are different because of your divorce. How can you make the day special for your child now that circumstances have changed?

There are several ways that this can be handled, depending on the type of relationship that you now have with your ex. If the two of you cannot be in the same room together without an argument breaking out, you’ll have to get creative.

Ways to celebrate your child’s birthday

There are several ways to celebrate your child’s birthday:

  • Continue the same tradition of a family party. If everyone can manage to get along for a couple of hours, this might be your best bet. Choose a neutral location, such as a pizza place or park, and celebrate.
  • Host separate celebrations on separate days. Gather your side of the family for a party, and let your ex do the same at his place. Try to get the child excited about having two parties and plan to have fun!
  • Split the day with your ex. Consider taking your child out to lunch with their closest friends, then let your ex pick her up for a dinner celebration. As long as the child doesn’t object to this option, they should have a memorable birthday.

The most important thing to remember is that this day is not about you and your ex. The last thing that should happen on a child’s birthday is a loud fight between their parents. If the two of you can’t agree on how to celebrate, refer to the custody agreement.

Should you need help with enforcing your custody agreement contact an experienced legal guide.

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