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Best interests of child important when dealing with child custody

 Posted on August 12,2016 in Child Custody

Divorce in Illinois offers the benefit of allowing two people who are unhappy in a marriage to finally break free from the marriage and live their own lives. However, when children are involved, the divorce process can be especially challenging. A couple of tips may help people dealing with matters related to child custody to navigate the divorce process successfully.

Divorce can be a painful experience, signifying the failure of a union that was intended to last until death. When a couple's marriage has died and they must part ways, it is easy to overlook who should receive which assets they owned together. A recent article explains what to expect in California when dealing with the division of shared assets and the decisions concerning alimony and child support during a divorce proceeding.

First, it is imperative that two divorcing parents help their children to feel safe. This means working to allow the children to process how they feel about the dissolution of their parents' marriage. However, it is wise for the parents not to share their own feelings with the children. Parents can process their own feelings and thoughts with the help of supportive pastors, support groups, family, friends and counselors.

It is also important for the two parents to strive to find common ground. If this does not happen, one of the parents may end up taking on the full responsibility of tending to the kids. For instance, one parent might have to deal with all of the children's dentist appointments, doctor visits and school paperwork.

If two people in Illinois dealing with child custody are willing to try to find common ground, the divorce negotiation or mediation process may be helpful for them. They may be able to create a parenting agreement that is satisfactory to both parties with proper legal guidance. However, most importantly, any parenting agreement should be created with the best interests of the children in mind.

Source:, "Advice for co-parenting after divorce", Jill Hamilton, Aug. 4, 2016

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