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Actor Jason Patric seeks fathers' rights to 3-year-old boy

 Posted on August 02,2013 in Fathers' Rights

Movie star Jason Patric is involved in a complex child custody case that may be of interest to Illinois residents who are concerned about fathers' rights. Patric, whose movies include "Speed 2" and "The Lost Boys," is in a custody dispute with his ex-girlfriend Danielle Schreiber.

In 2009, Patric donated his sperm to Schreiber after the couple, according to him, repeatedly tried to have children but couldn't. Now Schreiber has custody of her 3-year-old son, and Patric is fighting for his parental rights.

At issue are a number of pieces of evidence. First, apparently Patric wrote a letter to Schreiber indicating that he wasn't prepared to be a father, and Schreiber has claimed publicly that Patric only intended to donate his sperm. The letter also includes a request not to have Patric's name included on the child's birth certificate.

For his part, Patric claims that he and Schreiber signed an "intended parent" document when they decided to try in vitro fertilization. He says the document confirms his intention to father the child. He also says there are financial documents and photographs proving he has been involved in the child's life.

Missing in the dispute is a pre-conception contract indicating that Patric would be the father. Considering that fact, a judge decided earlier this year that Schreiber would have custody of the child and that Patric, who at this point hasn't seen the boy in about five months, does not have parental rights.

Still, he intends to continue fighting.

Fathers and mothers alike should be aware of their legal options for protecting parental rights. In all disputes over child custody and visitation, the best interests of the child are the court's main priority, and parents would do well to take the necessary steps to prove that their role in a parenting plan is essential to the well-being of the child.

Source:, "Jason Patric: Custody fight is for my son," Breeanna Hare, July 29, 2013

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