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2 times birdnesting could be a practical custody solution

 Posted on February 02, 2022 in Child Custody

If there are two issues that married couples with children fight about the most, those issues are probably what happens to their house and how they share parenting time. Some parents take an aggressive, winner-take-all approach to this process that damages their relationship with their ex and their children.

Realistically, both parents have a right to shared custody in most cases and an interest in the home. Agreeing on a birdnesting arrangement where the children live full-time in the marital home can be a solution to both of those issues. The parents come and go instead of the children going between houses.

When is bird nesting a good idea for your family?

When you have a child with special needs

The disruption of divorce is difficult for children to handle. The changes in their living arrangements can be quite destabilizing and may lead to behavioral issues and poor academic performance.

For special needs children, it can take months to adjust to a change in schedule for housing. By allowing your child to stay in the same house and continue the same lifestyle, you will drastically reduce the stress of the divorce on them.

When housing is hard to find in your school district

Finding the right house can take months or more than a year in some cases. Trying to find new housing within a few weeks can be nearly impossible, especially if you want your children to stay in the same school district. Rather than accepting an overpriced rental or forcing your children to change schools, you and your ex could agree to a birdnesting arrangement so that your children can maintain their peer support during this challenging time.

Identifying birdnesting as a possible co-parenting solution in your divorce can make adjusting to life after divorce easier for your family.

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