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What is split custody for couples trying to co-parent?

 Posted on August 27, 2021 in Child Custody

There are so many unique and new terms related to child custody that it can feel like learning a new language. People talk about co-parenting, parallel parenting and different kinds of custody, often without any explanation about what they really mean.

Some of these terms are deceptive and mean something other than what you may have originally imagined. Split custody is a perfect example. Some people think that split custody is just another term for shared custody or co-parenting.

However, split custody actually refers to a specific kind of shared custody arrangement.

Split custody can benefit families with multiple children

When parents agree to split custody in a family with several children, what they agree to is that certain chidlren will stay with each parent. Parents can either agree that the split arrangement is consistent, or they can alternate which children they care for.

They can either exchange custody or arrange for visitation with the children who live with the other parent. In some cases, the family may even agree to sibling visitation so that the kids can all spend time together too, which is important to their bonds with one another.

This arrangement can be beneficial in large families where one parent may not have the capacity to care for all the kids at once. It can also be useful in religious families, where a father may feel uncomfortable taking care of teenage girls, for example. Split custody can also benefit families with a special needs child that has several neurotypical siblings.

Learning about the various approaches to shared custody can help you find the solution that works best for your family.

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