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Retirement and child support payments

 Posted on October 14, 2017 in Child Support

With regard to child support, our law firm knows that there are a multitude of issues to take into consideration. For parents who are having a hard time paying child support, daily life can be overwhelming and there are various penalties they may face if they fall behind. Across Illinois, there are other circumstances in which a parent's child support order could be affected. For example, if you have recently retired or plan to retire soon, this significant change could also affect your child support payments.

Retiring can be overwhelming for some people, while others look forward to having more free time. Along with this major milestone comes other changes, which could be particularly important if you are required to pay child support. Once you no longer work, your ability to pay the current amount of child support you owe may change. However, you could be able to modify your child support order, depending on how your income has changed. As with all family law matters, it is crucial to carefully go over any details that could be relevant to your case and make sure that you are prepared for some of the issues that could lie ahead.

Modifying a child support order is a great way for some parents to make their obligations more compatible with their incomes. If you browse over to our website's child support section, you can go over even more data on some of the different topics that non-custodial parents who pay support may face.

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