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Financial steps necessary following a divorce

 Posted on June 18, 2015 in High Asset Divorce

After people finalize a divorce in Illinois, they may be eager to move on and stop focusing on the financial matters that required their constant attention and energy during the divorce proceeding. However, working to protect one's finances is only just beginning after a divorce has been finalized. A couple of tips may help individuals rebuild their financial health after splitting up with a spouse.

Building an emergency fund is an important step in recreating wealth following divorce. If necessary, a person may get a side job to earn extra money for building up his or her savings account. The emergency fund can prevent a person from having to use a credit card to pay for suddenly needed car repairs or other emergencies.

It is also important that any money remaining after a divorce continues to earn more interest. This is possible by making wise investments. Financial advisers can help people to choose the most advantageous investment vehicles. A person who must now pay child support following the divorce may not benefit from selecting a risky vehicle; instead, he or she may benefit from a guaranteed and steady flow of dollars.

When a person gets divorced, he or she may experience a whirlwind of emotions, ranging from frustration to confusion and even anger. However, an applied understanding of the law may increase a person's chances of successfully navigating a divorce proceeding and reaching a settlement that will benefit him or her financially long-term. Both of the divorcing parties have the right to pursue their best interests in Illinois.

Source:, "How To Rebuild Your Financial Health After Divorce", June 16, 2015

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