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Divorce increases among older generations

 Posted on December 06, 2013 in High Asset Divorce

Contrary to popular belief, divorce is not solely the domain of young couples. While many spouses do get divorced in the first few years of marriage, making it five or ten years does not necessarily mean the union will last forever. In some cases, couples who have been together for decades - couples that outwardly seem to be happily married - may realize that their marriage should not continue.

The reasons for this are varied, but the trend seems to be on the rise, both here in the U.S. and abroad in Europe.

One reasons that older couples may get a divorce could be attributed to the so-called "empty nest syndrome." When a couple's children leave the house, often they have to go through a period of enormous change, as the focus of their lives shift away from child-rearing. Often, spouses have difficulty adjusting to the new social dynamics of living without children. In other cases, spouses may realize that they have different opinions on their goals and dreams, now that the children are out of the house.

When one spouse wants one future, and the other wants something else, it can create a great deal of dissonance in the relationship. Spouses may begin to feel as though the relationship is getting in the way of their happiness, making it more difficult to achieve their goals. In these situations, spouses often look to divorce as a way to move forward with their lives and find a new source of happiness.

Divorce can strip you of everything if you are not prepared to do battle when needed. If you feel that your divorce may be contentious, it's important to ensure your rights and assets are protected. An experienced family law attorney can provide you with advice and options that you might not have known were available.

The Huffington Post, "Help, My Grandparents Are Getting a Divorce!" Jim Halfens, Nov. 26, 2013

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